Sunday, September 02, 2007

Another article about Peter Sis's new graphic novel reminds me that I really should try to get hold of the actual book.


Anonymous said...

it's great. + excellent p.sis photos and drawings from childhood. (that + was the best part) I don't know if it's kidlit or not.
in the radio bit I heard, he talked about writing it to explain his hard-to-comprehend history to his children (I think? I was half asleep listening)...and maybe having heard that affected how I read it--because it doesn't seem like a universal kids' book as much as a father's voice explaining his past to his own kids....interesting to grownups, but maybe still inaccessibly abstract to any (most) under-12s not related to the story...

blucarbnpinwheel said...

I guess P. Sis thinks that this one isn't really kidlit, as he sort of belittled some of his other stuff in that article...

Maybe now is the time for cold war kidlit. I liked Rex Zero ok, but can't really think of too much else. I don't think there's a cold war American Girl, but it's not like I really check for that stuff...