Sunday, August 07, 2005

Broken Flowers

Last night we saw Broken Flowers. It is premised on Bill Murray receiving an anonymous note informing him that he fathered a son twenty years ago who is ]now looking for his father. The neighbor/friend, played by Jeffrey Wright arranges Murray's detective trail to find out who is the mother of his supposed son. So this is Bill Murray revisiting old girlfriends, but in a more interesting way, I think, than say, High Fidelity. This is a similar Bill Murray character to the Wes Anderson movies and Lost in Translation, but I guess I don't really mind that, seeing as I enjoyed all those movies.

Here is Broken Flowers on imdb.
Here is the official movie site.


Anonymous said...

but when will it hit the mark of just one too many movies featuring bill murray as a washed up old man?

blucarbnpinwheel said...

I liked this one better than lost in translation . His character in Royal Tenenbaums was somewhat different.

Anonymous said...

the characters are a bit different but it seems like bill murray does not have to do all that much acting to play any of them, in that he mostly just lets the directors shoot his sad face and it makes everyone happy.

blucarbnpinwheel said...

Ah, you confuse talking and moving with acting. Do you think Bill Murray's face just naturally looks sad all the time? You must not have seen the dvd extras from The Life Aquatic. The sad faces are acting, let me tell you that.

Although you are right about it making everybody happy.