Friday, July 02, 2004

computer things

I like to click things when using the computer. So perhaps it would be a good idea to add some clickable things to this internet home.

I think I will put some things from my "favorites" button on this internet home every once in a while.

Here for now:
Avi is a writer of books that are mostly read by children. He has a website, as do many other authors. I like his book about Charlotte Doyle and her true confessions.

There are some free music options in the summertime. I keep meaning to see ted leo, for example, but natural forces conspire against it. Yesterday I saw Sufjan Stevens and The Silent League. I enjoyed it. Soofy-an has a nice voice and was working the amateur appeal. The Silent League were pretty pleasant; I like bands with more than six members. This woman sat next to me and borrowed my pen. Then she wanted to read my Michael Chabon comic book, so I let her. She laughed out loud at points. She made a loud noise when Sufjan dedicated a song to Chicago. I guess she was from Chicago. Sufjan played "The Star Spangled Banner" to close his set. It was pretty but still the national anthem, even with the extraneous christian stuff he added.
I have purchased some good records from this label. Some of the good bands on this record label are on that mix cd I made. Some of the other good merge bands are: the clean, neutral milk hotel, spoon and versus.

Perhaps later I will give more things to click on.

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