Monday, September 19, 2005

tuesday things

Michael Chabon posts unflattering reviews on his website. good for him!

Jonathan Lethem, officially a genius

here is an article about the diy degree of Clap your hands.

here is an article about that Notwist/hip hop collaboration.

now pitchfork has a New Pornographers interview.

here is news about a new book of Roald Dahl stuff (some old, some "forgotten") with new art.

The Haruki Murakami story found in this week's New Yorker is online; also, he is a muse for designer style
It doesn't seem like the George Saunders thing, which is pretty lightweight, made it online.

here is an interview with Vincent D'onofrio.

apparently, Roman Polanski considered adapting the Lemony Snicket books to films

on the mp3blogs:
King Creosote covers Jeff Buckley
Calexico covers Elliott Smith

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