Wednesday, July 13, 2005

out and about

On Saturday, I enjoyed a pleasant visit to the Cloisters. Unfortunately, that downstairs room with all the spoons and stuff was closed.

On Sunday, I went to Summerstage in central park. I saw a little bit of the Royal Wylds, who have an awful name, and were fairly bland. Supposedly it was their fourth show. I don't quite get how they got on the stage; maybe they know someone. Next was fratboy favorite Citizen Cope, who was awful.

The reason I went to the show was to see the Blind Boys of Alabama. They were in good spirits even though it was hot. I wonder about gospel music in secular settings; I don't know if all the lord-praising is authentic or part of the act or somewhere in between. I suppose that the trickiness in sorting that out is in itself somewhat impressive. Anyway, it was enjoyable.

Last night we saw the Fantastic Four. It's a lot weaker than some other comic book movies, but fairly enjoyable. The extreme sports angle of Johnny Storm was silly and annoying. The actors were not really noteworthy. Their heroism is pretty debatable; also, where the moodiness of the xmen is interesting, the moodiness of the four in this movie was just frustrating. Also, latveria?

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