Wednesday, January 26, 2005

some things

Every weekday I get out of the subway on to the block that the NY Times has chosen to visually depict the issue of urban obesity. Nice wide-angle shot.

So A Ghost is Born is getting reissued with a bonus disc, but Wilco says that they will give away the extra tracks to those of us who already have the cd.

Last weekend I saw the Ice Storm again. It's good.

Apparently the new Spoon cd is coming out this spring.

I joined a gym on MLK day. I have since gone seven times. I think I will stick it out, but you have to show up 12 times in the first 30 days to get your money back. I have also consumed no soda and no cheese in about nine days. Maybe my pants will fit again.

Did you know that the US National Soccer team was on strike? Or maybe locked out? Or that they get paid a few thousand dollars for each game they play? I would be disappointed if the US didn't make it to the World Cup, so this temporary agreement is pretty good. I'm generally in favor of people getting paid, but I hadn't thought that international sports paid so much. I wonder how much the NBA basketballers get to play in the olympics and whatever?

Ex-Pavement spare part Bob N. now has a website devoted to horseracing.

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